Saturday, June 20, 2009

Tournament News!!!

Today I went to another TaeKwonDo tournament. I got to do board breaking, sparring, and stick fighting. I did pretty well at the tournament, I earned two second places and one third place. I was mad that I got third place but it is okay because next year I am going to do much better.

This is me getting ready for my first sparring match. I was watching some of the girls I would spar against. You can see the girls that I did get to spar against in the picture with the green background.

I like doing TaeKwonDo because it gives me self defense, self control, concentration, confidence and I have also learned about the indomitable spirit. The indomitable spirit means that I always try my best and I never give up. My mom says this is a good thing to learn early in life.

Monday, June 15, 2009


My mom and I are volunteering at a horse rescue place. We learned about some horses that did not have any homes or the homes they had were really terrible. The horses have not been taken care of and just need someone to love and care for them. We enjoy being able to help these animals. Hopefully someday they will all get a good home.
Last Sunday my mom and I went to volunteer at the horse rescue near our home. We got to clean their stalls. We also cleaned their water buckets. First we took out all of the buckets from the stalls. Then we dumped out all of the dirty water and then filled it up with clean water and washed out their buckets. Then my mom put all of the empty buckets in each of the stalls and I came around with a hose and filled them up with clean water.

Then we had to add more shavings to the stalls, so that the horses would be more comfortable.
I have a few favorite horses that we get to take care of on Sundays, Kat and he foal Cloud and Stormy and Promise. Kat and Cloud love to be together and brushed. Kat was so nice, she let me brush her and brush her. She looks so pretty now. Cloud fell asleep in some pooh and when he woke up we brushed him so that he would look much better.
I am looking forward to going next week.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Summer Vacation

Summer break is coming. I am going to have a very busy summer. In August I am going to go on a plane by myself to visit my cousin, Milana and Alek. I will be staying with them and going to horse camp for two weeks. I am so excited and nervous at the same time. I will also be going to my Gran's house for Camp Grandma. We will spend three weeks there and I will also get to do some horse back riding as well. After my mom comes home from her trip we will all go to Priest Lake and camp with my cousins for a week.

Milana and I will have a great time at horseback riding camp. It will be so exciting. I will get to take care of a horse for the two weeks that I am there.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring Break - Disneyland

On Friday I went to Disneyland with my family. I have been to Disneyland six times.

I went on the Indiana Jones ride just after dinner. I went with just my mom. Mia and my cousins stayed with Uncle Dima and Auntie Faith. Instead of being a rooler coaster they used a car with a seat belt. The scary part was with a skeleton and the skull was stacked up into piles. It was a awesome ride.

The tree house was awesome. Tarzan lived in the treehouse. We saw books and a lot of fake stuff. We ran up and down the tree house a few times. It was very high. You don't get to go in the tree house, but you just get to look at it.

Space Mountain took a long time to wait in line. I rode with my sister. We screamed at the top of our lungs. We had a great time. There were stars and it was dark and we would go up and down, and make quick turns. It was really scary but I loved it.

Spring Break - SeaWorld

SeaWorld is in San Diego. My mom took my us, my cousins and a friend named Sophie. We did many things at SeaWorld. My favorite thing was to pet the bat rays. They were in a little pool. One of the bat rays would put his head up on the side of the pool and I got to pet him. They felt soft and kind of slimy.

One of my favorite rides at SeaWorld was the return to Atlantis. It was my favorite because it went really fast and I screamed at the top of my lungs!!!! My oldest cousin was very sad because she does not like fast rides. Everyone else wanted to ride it so she had to.

We also saw the Shamu show. It had some killer whales in the show. The trainers would swim with the killer whales. They also wore black and white suits that looked like killer whales. I also went to the dolphin show. During the show one of the moms fell into the pool. She was not a real mom she turned out to be a trainer dressed like a mom. It was pretty funny. We also saw a show called Pet Rulz. There was a pig in this show and a bunch of dogs and cats. We got to pet the animals after the show.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Today we did something new as a family. We went geocaching! What you do is get locations on a map where a little treasure is hidden. Then you hike to find it, and leave a little treasure of your own. We went geocaching with Uncle Mault and Aunt Carole since it was our first time. We went to three places and found two of the caches. We had a lot of fun and I hope that we can do it next weekend.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


We are writing about butterflies. Butterflies have three body parts, head, abdomen and thorax. They have six legs and two wings. They have two antennae for feeling, hearing and smelling. They have a long curly tongue to suck the nectar out of the flower. Wings can be a lot of colors. Butterflies lay a lot of eggs. The egg hatches into a caterpillar. It grows into a pupa and then into a chrysalis. Then it grows into a butterfly. After hatching out of a chrysalis they have to let their wings dry. They like to live where it is warm. This is what I have learned about butterflies.
